Wednesday 1 January 2014

New Year, New You


Oh and hello 2014. I’ve just finished recovering from a lovely night away with two of my bestest friends, to see in the new year.

In terms of new years resolutions, I’ve always had the same ones for the last few years. Standard lose weight, fall in love etc. This year I’m aiming a little more broadly and aiming for changes I can make.

Take care of myself

Something that the psychic said, that really stuck in my mind, was that I need to take better care of myself, as you can only escape illness so many times. I go through phases of eating the right things, exercising and taking care of myself, and then other times I ruin it by doing the complete opposite. This year I am promising myself, to be healthy. More resting, sleeping, relaxing and to get rid of the constant need to be busy.

Blog Openly

When I first started this, I talked openly and honestly. As more people started to read it, I found it difficult to find the right words, to not get myself into trouble or to not offend anyone. In 2014, I will worry less, and write what I want to. Along with a lot of amazing feedback, has to come a negative comment or two. Constructive criticism I take on board and learn from, nasty comments I will ignore. 

‘Negative people need drama like oxygen. Stay positive, it will take their breath away’.

I will also take the time to redesign the pages, research and promote it more. 

More Photography Projects

I want to set myself (and get your input) into setting themes, locations and ideas for photography projects and share my work on here. I need to take time to be creative and rekindle my passion for photography. Maybe enter a few competitions too. 

Be prepared

No more leaving everything to the last minute! 


I want to travel, explore, take risks, meet new people and not let anything hold me back.

So that’s the new me for 2014. I’m excited, curious and enthused, for every lesson, friendship and memory that it has to offer. 

Gemma xx

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